
Developmental Editing - Creative Writing

Developmental editing focuses on big picture elements of the story and plays a deeper role in manuscript development.

I will look for:

**Please note: that this should be done before you decide to choose a copyeditor! 

Substantive Editing - Creative and Academic Writing

Substantive editing, also known as structural editing, focuses on the content, organization, and presentation of an entire text, from the title through to the ending. Think of developmental editing, but more hands on. 

I will:

*Please note: that this would usually be chosen for writers who finished their first draft. 

Copy Editing

Copyediting can range from light to heavy. In copyediting your text, I read your work line by line and do the following:

*Please note: I stay alert to inaccuracies and write notes when I suspect or know that something is factually wrong. If I can find the answer quickly using trustworthy sources, I'll include that information, too, although accuracy is ultimately the author's responsibility. Ideally, after a text has been copyedited, it will be thoroughly proofread before publication.

Line Editing

Line editing, in its most simple definition, deals with the editing for purposes of flow, style and readability of the manuscript. It's literally looking at your manuscript line by line. Think of Substantive Editing but on a micro-level.

I will look at and edit:

Fun fact: It helps to read the work starting from the last sentence to help you better your work . 

*Please note: Line editing does not include grammar, spelling or punctuation errors. 


In proofreading a text, I look for the following basics:

*Please note: proofreading is done as a final step before publication. Therefore, when proofreading, I assume sentences don't need rewriting. I assume questions of logic and coherence have been resolved---although of course I will alert you if I find something that is obviously wrong.

Estimated Quotes

Quotes are based on EFA rates, though the price may change based on: 

**We will always confirm the price in writing, prior to starting work. 


How do you charge?

I charge based on the project. I do not charge by the hour or word count; however, you may use the quote calculator above to get a better estimate of how much your project might be.

Is there a minimum fee?

Yes. I charge a $20 minimum fee.

Do you charge more for quick work?

I always return work as soon as I can. I don't delay or hold onto work completed. I do not charge a rush free unless you need the work back very quickly and I need to work more through the night—we would agree on the charge (~25–50 percent more, depending on the amount needed), I would never surprise you with a surprise fee. The sooner you submit your work, the faster I'll return it.

How do I pay for your editing services?

Like I mentioned above, we will always confirm the price in writing, prior to starting work. I will invoice and send it through to you. Full instructions on how to pay will be included and you can make payment via credit card, debit card, bank transfer, direct deposit, or PayPal.

Do you provide discounts?

 I prefer to encourage and reward an ongoing work relationship. Usually if we work together and I become your go-to editor, I would offer discounts at my discretion. However, I don't provide discounts the first time you use my services. 

Do you provide free editing samples?

At this time, I don't. However, I do have a nominal fee for editing up to around 1,000 words. You can send a shorter document as a cost-effective way of trying my services.

Can I get Further Information?

Of course, just email me and I'd be happy to help.